Mattar Law Firm, Beirut.
Beirut, Badaro street,
Al Fakih Building, 7th Floor.

Our Clients Speak Out:

Mattar Law Firm, Lebanon

Mattar Law Firm is a leading law firm in Lebanon with an international presence known in the legal field by renowned jurists and businessmen. With more than 60 years of Experience, Our Team of Lebanese and international lawyers offers world-class legal services in expansive fields of law practice. We strive to offer to our clientele, which ranges from large multinationals to individuals, the most efficient business solutions and resolve their litigation in success.

By handling the most important legal cases in Lebanon, the MENA region and Worldwide, we remain committed to our values & morality of the lawyer’s profession which are, certainly, the secret of our perseverance and reputation. Numerous experienced lawyers and attorneys, each specialized in his domain, are currently ready to serve our clientele in all fields of law.

Mattar law firm is a Lebanese-based firm established by Salah A. Mattar back in the sixties. Today MLF is a full-service law firm practicing in Lebanon and abroad, along with several branches, law associates, and attorneys worldwide. With its history of more than 60 years & its Award of the Golden Medal by the Beirut Bar Association of lawyers, Mattar Law Firm has evolved into a leading, global international law firm with clients from all over the world offering quality legal services and solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.

A Tradition of Legal Excellence throughout generations is not our slogan, it is who we are.

Golden Medal by the Beirut Bar Association of Lawyers.
The utmost reward for lawyers in Lebanon, crowning a career of more than 60 years of legal practice.
World Lifetime Achievement Award
Distinguished award for achievements done in the legal fields as lawyers in Lebanon and on an international level.
Universal Award of Accomplishment
Exceptional award recognizing accomplishments in the legal career in Lebanon & abroad.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Rare award for lifetime achievements in the lawyers’ profession and the professional career.
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Trademarks in Lebanon

Trademarks in Lebanon When creating a business or similar venture, one important aspect of marketability is how recognizable the brand is. A “swoosh” brings...

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