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Company Formation in Lebanon – Mattar Law Firm

Reasons to form a Company  in Lebanon

Why choose to form  Lebanese Offshore or Lebanon  local companies?

1 – There are no Taxes, just a Mere 667 USD per year for the offshore companies. For onshore companies the taxation rates are very low as well.

2 – Secrecy and Confidentiality :The Lebanese Government has no agreements with other governments / institutions  or any third party regarding the disclosure or the handling of information towards business entities or whatsoever.
3 – Banking sector is considered the prime sector in Lebanon with all banking services being offered by banks with international reputation.

The secrecy of Banking is full and is the strongest in the world and it would be almost impossible to find such an excellent banking service with all the privacy, secrecy and protection it offers to its clients.

4- Skilled, educated and professional labor, at a very competitive and low costs makes any project feasible at a lower costs compared to the costs offered by most of the countries.

5 – Lebanon’s location in the middle east gives the country all the benefits of being close to most of the countries.
As a non-member of the European Union as it will never become part of the E.U, Therefore any resident company or banking account should not be subject to any taxes / banks laws, directives of the E.U.

6 – Tourism with numerous luxury hotels with free zones facilities , and a high level of universities and hospitals, beaches, theatres, high class restaurants, clubs, casinos  etc… makes the living on a very high standard with reasonable costs.

7- Rich Heritage and History  are one of the main characteristics of the Country.

8- Facilities are there as well to own property for a foreigner in the same conditions as a Lebanese citizen in terms of taxes to be paid.

Interested to incorporate a Company / business or to buy property and invest in lebanon? Contact Us

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