Mattar Law Firm, Beirut.

Mattar Law Firm, Beirut, Cases

We deal with all kinds of legal services and cases.

We represent and deal with different clients, from large entities such as The European Union, corporate international bodies such as international banks, international associations and NGOs, to individuals in need of legal help.

Our attorneys will handle any legal case to give you the best result possible.

We have more than ten lawyers in different specializations.
Attorney Mattar has pleaded in the most famous and biggest cases in Lebanon and abroad.
Here are some cases we wanted to publish in order to give you an idea about our work.

*These cases below were published upon request of the interested and / or were published publicly in the media and therefore their listing is in compliance with the professional secrecy.

The Al Hawadeth Case (Business & Civil law) (London)

During the painful and the long episode of the Lebanese war, prominent journalist Late Salim El Lawzeh owner of Al Hawadeth Magazine was assassinated for political reasons.

His widow wanted to sell the magazine, which not only included the magazine by itself but the selling also included its buildings located in London and every accessory related to Al Hawadeth.

Late Melhem Karam, Ex head of the Lebanese Journalists’ Syndicate, wanted to buy this magazine, a transaction worth a huge sum of money.

Attorney Mattar handled this transaction with all its complications due to the inheritance of late Salim El Lawzeh and all legal points, and made this trade possible, in a record time.
The Al-Hawadeth case was one of the biggest cases at that time.

The Jammal Bank Case (Criminal and Commercial law) (Cairo)

The Jammal Bank An Egyptian-Lebanese Bank was one of the prominent banks in Lebanon and in Egypt.
However, fraud operations in millions of dollars happened in the main direction of the bank in Egypt and caused problems with three other banks: the Arab African bank, the Islamic bank, and the Ahram bank.

These operations hurt the bank’s (Jammal) reputation and its owner who was detained in Egypt, a threat to the Lebanese economy at that time if Jammal Bank was to collapse.

Carrying a warranty of millions dollars from Lebanon Central Bank, Attorney Mattar met with high ranked responsibles and many other legal and political authorities and solved the case saving the owner of Jammal Bank from further detention, and saving the reputation of Jammal Bank which was at the same time a relief to the bank and to the Lebanese economy and the whole banking sector, after the disastrous affair of the Intra Bank.

The Chase Manhattan Bank Case (Labor Law) (London)

A huge case of labor law which was achieved with big success.

The Sehnawi Case (Business and Commercial Law)

A big bankruptcy case that ended with satisfactory results.

The Tannourine Water Case (Environmental Law & Administrative Law)

An interesting case dealing with water and environment and a delimitation of public/private domains.

International and Local Adoption Cases (Family Law)

We deal and have dealt successfully with international and local adoption cases successfully.

Expropriation Cases (Administrative Law)

Numerous cases of expropriation.

The M. Case (Criminal law)

In this case, Mr M. was trialed for murder and was exposed to the ultimate sentence.
Attorney Mattar handled the case and the criminal court in Beirut later declared his innocence.

The M’. Case (Criminal law)

Mr M’ was trialed in this case and was facing the ultimate punishment.
He was also declared guilty in an early judgment in absence.
After the pleading, the criminal court of Mount Lebanon declared his innocence.

Attorney Mattar handled more important cases in numerous fields of law, which we will be publishing soon.

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