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Petroleum Possibilities In and Around Lebanon


oil rig

If you are interested in oil and gas investments, contact us today!

Oil and gas businesses have long been known to be lucrative.  When you couple the oil and gas industry with a well developed banking sector you have a recipe for success.  Lebanon is well respected for its place in the banking industry, and recent seismic discoveries on and offshore Lebanon suggest there is ample gas accumulation to make the possibility of a successful Lebanese oil and gas industry a reality.

Despite these discoveries, Lebanon has yet to officially establish an oil and gas industry.  In an effort to enter this area

, the Lebanese government put in motion the first licensing round for offshore exploration and production in Lebanese waters.  As part of this motion they executed a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in 2012 in compliance with Lebanese Law.

The goal of the SEA is to identify possible environmental and social effects of instigating an oil and gas industry in Lebanon.  The initial results of the SEA are preliminary and will be expounded upon as seen fit moving forward, although they allowed for the establishment of an ongoing assessment and management process.  The SEA aims to settle upon a balance between the development of offshore energy resources and sufficient environmental and community protection.

In order to be compliant with the process defined by the SEA, individuals interested in obtaining petroleums rights must meet multiple requirements and provide specific data regarding these requirements.  Because of the complexity of the requirements, it is imperative that a lawyer in Lebanon be retained to assist with the process.  The Lebanese Lawyers at Mattar Law Firm Lebanon have the skill set necessary to walk you through this process.  Call today for a consultation.

Trademark Law in Lebanon

If you wish to register a trademark, contact Mattar Law Firm today!

When creating a business or similar venture, one important aspect of marketability is how recognizable the brand is. A “swoosh” brings to mind a certain sportswear manufacturer, and golden arches go hand in hand with fast food. These symbols or designs are trademarks, which are protected by law in nearly every country, including Lebanon.

The Lebanese laws provides protection to trademarks that have been registered at the Office of Intellectual Property in the ministry of economy. When such a trademark has been registered, any encroachment upon that property may bring criminal action against the perpetrator. An experienced Lebanese lawyer can help you find registered trademarks to avoid legal complications when applying for a new trademark.

In order to ascertain the legitimacy of the trademark, the Office of Intellectual Property must hold that a new trademark is neither generic nor likely to be confused with an existing trademark. Their decision is allowed to be opposed on the basis of unfair competition, and an attempt to register a trademark may be met with a legal court battle. If a trademark is found legitimate and registered, it will remain valid for fifteen years from the filing date and may be renewed for another fifteen. There are certain restrictions on a trademark. For example, it must not use national or foreign emblems or any design that may breach the public standard of morality.

The lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law firm have experience in trademark registration and trademark disputes. Contact us today for a consultation.

Patent Law in Lebanon
Mattar Law Firm Patent Law

If you are seeking a patent, contact us today!

Property in Lebanon extends past business and real estate. Patents are a form of intellectual property, and just like their more tangible counterparts, forms of intellectual property are protected by law. In the case of patents, the inventor can legally benefit from his work under Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the World Intellectual Property Organization.

More specifically, Lebanon enacted a law on August 7, 2000 for patent protection. Patents are defined by three conditions. First, the patent must be for a new, not already existing, invention. Second, the patent must be for an inventive creation. Third, the patent must be for a creation of use in industry. If these criteria are met, the owner, or owners, split the right for the patent. A Lebanese lawyer can help determine if the criteria have been met and if it is possible to obtain a patent.

To legally obtain the patent, an inventor must send descriptions to the ministry of economy and trade to begin the process. According to Patent Law, undisclosed information is legal. Some trade secrets are allowed to be undisclosed. After reviewing the patent request, the minister will either begin issuing the patent or reject it, in which case an applicant may appeal the decision before the Court of Appeal of Beirut. When issued a patent, the term will initially be 20 years.

The lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law firm are experienced in all aspects of intellectual property law, including patent law. Contact the office today for assistance obtaining or protecting a patent, or with questions regarding an invention’s qualifications for a patent.

Real Estate in Lebanon


A recent survey from Savills World Research, Candy & Candy and Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management named Beirut a top real estate choice for adventurous investors. In addition to being a coastal Mediterranean city, which comes with its own perks, Beirut has a thriving culture and nightlife. This combines to create a large population of successful young people. Add in its reputation as a financial hub, and you have a city primed to be a success.

However, when you look at the number, real estate in Lebanon seems a bit surprising. If you compare real estate prices with GDP per capital, you see an extremely high ratio. Why is this? Some may call the situation in Lebanon unusual, perhaps due to surrounding unrest. Others point to bank loans. However, Lebanon has held its market growth strong for years now and is still pointed to as a promising investment. This may be due to the high number of incentives for investing, which apply to both Lebanese and foreigners alike.

Because of the unique situation in Lebanon’s housing market, it can be overwhelming to try to understand all the pros and cons of acquiring real estate. If you’re thinking about investing in Lebanese real estate, find a legal team close to the land you’re looking for. The Lebanese lawyers at Mattar Law are intimately familiar with the real estate market in Lebanon, as well as knowledgeable about the laws that may reward you even further for seeking to invest. Contact the lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law Firm today for a consultation.

Adoption to, from, and within Lebanon

Lebanese Adoption – Mattar Law Firm


Like everywhere in the world, adoption can be an important part of creating a family in Lebanon. Because of Lebanon’s dedication to the 18 religious confessions, there is no civil procedure for adoption. Each religion has its own court structure which follow separate laws, and those laws oversee adoption. The relevant religious court must approve each adoption.

For cross-border adoptions, Shari’a law, for example, does not have adoptions that match what those in United States consider adoptions. The Islamic court will grant guardianship to allow foreign parents to take the baby from the country, where it is understood that the adoption will be finalized. Christian institutions, on the other hand, have a legal adoption process. To make the different laws more confusing, Lebanese orphanages do exist. A religious group runs them and the children inside can be adopted according to that groups law.

If you intend to adopt within Lebanon, the religious courts still govern the process, even if the adopter is secular. In addition, Lebanon allows ties to remain between the adopted person and his or her original family. This leads to some complicated ties, especially in terms of inheritance.

Due to the variety of religious laws that govern Lebanese adoption, if you intend to adopt a child from this country, contact a Lebanese lawyer familiar with adoption law. Contact the experienced lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law today for a consultation.

What Are My Investment Options in Lebanon?

Work with the best Business Lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law Firm

If you have questions about a business venture in Lebanon, contact us now.

If you have questions about a business venture in Lebanon, contact us now.

In the business world, Lebanon has gained a reputation as a country to be reckoned with. It is one of the most lucrative and flexible places for local and international businesspeople to develop a thriving enterprise. Investing in this unique and welcoming marketplace has many benefits, only one of which is the many opportunities for continued growth. The lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law Firm will be able to help you navigate the process of starting business ventures in Lebanon.

Another reason is its friendly relations with multiple nations across the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom and many surrounding Middle Eastern countries. This gives investors an unparalleled opportunity to reach a wide potential client base and to develop strong ties with related business associates both locally and offshore. Additionally, an investor would have access to a large supply of willing, qualified and skilled workers in nearly any industry, from construction to clerical support. Lebanon also boasts a reliable banking system that countless local and foreign businesspeople trust with their investment affairs.

Lebanon has a wide variety of strong investment markets. Real estate and business incorporation, both locally and offshore, continue to provide stability for businesspeople. There is a demand for real estate ventures such as affordable family housing and executive accommodations. Non double taxation treaties with many countries around the world can allow you to conduct business in Lebanon and offshore without being charged double taxes by various entities. Finally, as oil and gas are a particularly lucrative industry in the Middle East, many oil professionals have found Lebanon to be a safe and welcoming base for business operations.

Any type of investment venture needs sound counsel from an experienced investment and corporate attorney. The Lebanese lawyers at Mattar Law Firm, have advised numerous businesspeople who have chosen to invest their business in Lebanon. Contact our office today to discuss the options available to you.

Lebanon Marriage Explained by Lawyers in Lebanon
If you have questions about Lebanon's Marriage law, contact Mattar Law Firm now.

If you have questions about Lebanon’s Marriage law, contact Mattar Law Firm now.

A beautiful, ancient country steeped in rich tradition and customs, Lebanon is also known as a hub for international business travel. As such, there has been a mixture of many different cultures and religions. Christians co-exist with Muslims, Jews and other religions here. Holding onto its roots, Lebanese government still imposes religion in many ways. Lebanese family law matters are governed by 18 separate religious courts.

Marriage ceremonies, for example, are only performed under the authority of a religious leader. If a couple wants to be married without religious influence, a civil marriage is recognized, provided it occurs abroad.

For example, men in some religious sects are allowed to marry as many as four women, while others may only have one spouse. Certain Christian denominations are not allowed to divorce. And although the country’s laws stipulate equal rights for both genders, many women say that the law is unfairly biased against them, and that they do not have as much voice or impact as men in their country. A great example of this is in mixed marriage, in which children are usually considered to be of the same religion as their father.

Other aspects of family law in Lebanon, such as divorce, property division and child custody, may be just as complicated, if not more so. Navigating the family law field may make it necessary for Lebanese couples to seek help from an experienced law firm. At Mattar Law Firm, we have extensive experience in Lebanese family law. Couples with a question on any complicated marriage or divorce topic should call our offices.

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