Mattar Law Firm, Beirut.

An offshore company in Lebanon is an ideal choice for those who have a business running either outside Lebanon or in the Lebanese-free zones. The biggest advantage is that it is possible to have almost any type of business registered as a Lebanese offshore company while benefiting from the low taxes. This is the case regardless of turnover or profit a company makes. There is also the professional level of business services available in Lebanon such as in the banking sector.

The term offshore company or offshore corporation can be used in reference to;
1) a corporation or other type of legal entity that is duly registered or incorporated in a foreign country,
2) a single company, corporate group or a division that engages in offshoring manufacturing or production or that provides business services.

It is allowed for foreigners to own offshore companies in Lebanon fully. Foreigners can, therefore, maximize returns thanks to the country’s non-double taxation treaty which many countries have signed. The treaty is signed between the foreigners country of citizenship and Lebanon as well as legal requirements are satisfied.

A Lebanese offshore company can be fully owned by foreigners. Another advantage of Lebanese offshore companies is that all types of companies can find an equivalent in the country’s Anglo-Saxon system or in complementary structures. This is because of the broad flexibility in the structure and running of corporate entities. The efficiency and privacy of business services in the country is another plus. The law on offshore companies was amended on 2008 and it made it even easier for offshore companies to set up in Lebanon. The law also increased the scope of offshore companies.

Still, it does take a process to set up an offshore company in Lebanon. This is best left to experienced Lebanese lawyers. Reputable Lebanese law firms will ensure that all the legal requirements are met so that you can start and run your offshore company and enjoy all the benefits with no hurdles or possible repercussions like business interruptions as a result of not doing everything by the book.

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