Mattar Law Firm, Beirut.

Lebanese Adoption – Mattar Law Firm


Like everywhere in the world, adoption can be an important part of creating a family in Lebanon. Because of Lebanon’s dedication to the 18 religious confessions, there is no civil procedure for adoption. Each religion has its own court structure which follow separate laws, and those laws oversee adoption. The relevant religious court must approve each adoption.

For cross-border adoptions, Shari’a law, for example, does not have adoptions that match what those in United States consider adoptions. The Islamic court will grant guardianship to allow foreign parents to take the baby from the country, where it is understood that the adoption will be finalized. Christian institutions, on the other hand, have a legal adoption process. To make the different laws more confusing, Lebanese orphanages do exist. A religious group runs them and the children inside can be adopted according to that groups law.

If you intend to adopt within Lebanon, the religious courts still govern the process, even if the adopter is secular. In addition, Lebanon allows ties to remain between the adopted person and his or her original family. This leads to some complicated ties, especially in terms of inheritance.

Due to the variety of religious laws that govern Lebanese adoption, if you intend to adopt a child from this country, contact a Lebanese lawyer familiar with adoption law. Contact the experienced lawyers in Lebanon at Mattar Law today for a consultation.

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